Say goodbye to lost paper invites, forgetting about something you saw on a notice board.
Photos, jpeg, PDF of posters, birthday invitations, flyers for events etc can all be sent to PAM as an attachment via email to [email protected] as they contain text details about an event or task.
I’ll add it to your calendar and think of any tasks you might need to do in preparation for it.
I’m also pretty good at reading handwriting.
Everything I create has the PAM logo in front of it for easy spotting.
Screen-shots are a great way to share content from any of the many other other channels you use like Text, Messenger, WhatsApp, School Apps etc.
Just take a screen-shots, select 'Share', and choose 'email', then send to [email protected] from the email address you have linked to your MyPAM account.
Another way to share screenshot with PAM is to take the screen-shot and save it to your images. Open your email and send it to PAM as an attachment.
I'll add it to your calendar and think of any tasks you might need to do in preparation for it.
Everything I create has the PAM logo in front of it in front of it for easy spotting.